
A boolean representing whether the running interpreter is from a virtual environment.


The default name of the virtual envirnoment directory created by create(). The value is .venv.

exception microvenv.ActivationError

An error trying to calculate environment activation via activation().


Parse the pyvenv.cfg file in the specified virtual environment.

A dict is returned with strings for keys and values. All keys are lowercased, but otherwise no validation is performed. No changes are made to the values (e.g., include-system-site-packages is not converted to a boolean, nor lowercased).

Parsing is done in a way identical to how the site module does it. This means that ANY line with an = sign is considered a line with a key/value pair on it. As such, all other lines are treated as if they are comments. But this also means that having a line start with e.g., # does not signify a comment either if there is a = in the line.


Returns a dict with env vars to activate the current virtual environment.

If the current interpreter is not from a virtual environment, ActivationError is raised.

Since this API is designed to be additive to a environment variables dict (i.e., os.environ | activation()), key deletions are not supported. As such, ActivationError is raised if PYTHONHOME is found to be set.

No environment variables are provided in the returned dict in relation to shell prompts.

microvenv.create(env_dir='.venv', *, scm_ignore_files={'git'})

Create a minimal virtual environment.

Analogous to calling venv.create() as venv.create(..., symlinks=True, with_pip=False).


Not available on Windows.